Damian Kelleher reviews his way through A Life on Paper

March 3rd, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

A Life on Paper at Readercon

Story by story, with the greatest insight and detail, Damian Kelleher has read and reviewed his way through Georges-Olivier Châteaureynaud’s A Life on Paper. Liveblogging a book! Who’d’ve thought? They used to call it a reading diary, I think. Kelleher’s reviews are thoughtful, wide-ranging in their references, and sometimes consider the individual works from angles new to me, which is why I put the collection out in the world in the first place: to start conversations. Translators pride themselves on going through a book with the finest of combs, but Kelleher regularly turns up surprising bits. His reading of “Écorcheville” is the best discussion of that story I’ve ever come across.

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