Delcourt/Soleil + Comixology = Comix Goodness in English for French BD Fans

July 10th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink

Well, since they’ve talked about it, I guess I can. A recent Publishers Weekly piece by Calvin Reid announces the Delcourt-Soleil juggernaut’s direct-to-digital invasion of the US market, part of a larger coordinated French assault that will see Mediatoon (Dargaud-Dupuis-Le Lombard) and Glenat getting in on the action by New York Comic Con this coming fall. I’m really excited to the part of this initiative allowing more than the trickle of BDs over than American readers have been able to see in the past. Belgian-French BD has a wealth of genres and stories. Hopefully, the flexibility and lower costs of digital platforms will result in more experimenting with subject matter, as till now most Americans have only seen one or two colors from the full spectrum of kinds of comics France has to offer. I’ve been doing books for all three of these major French publishers, and Reid’s piece mentions a recent project of mine that will be part of Delcourt’s launch: paranormal war comic The Curse of the Wendigo by Mathieu Missoffe and Charlie Adlard. French cover below:




Urgency and Patience reviewed at Words Without Borders

July 1st, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink


At Words Without Borders, Jeffrey Zuckerman, formerly of Dalkey Archive and now Digital Editor at Music & Literature Magazine, has these kind words for my translation of Jean-Philippe Toussaint’s recent essay collection Urgency and Patience:

Edward Gauvin seems to have devoted the same patience to translating Toussaint as I once did proofreading him; Gauvin’s facility with both the original, crisp French and a correspondingly transparent English are in full evidence here. A reader intimately acquainted with Toussaint’s novels might well wonder if his mind occasionally becomes as flattened, as empty, and as analytical as those of his overlapping narrators. The delightful revelation offered by Urgency and Patience is that such a prospect is nigh well impossible.


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