The NEA Translation Fellows and The Art of Empathy

August 28th, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink

Congratulations to this year’s NEA Literary Translation Fellows! I was proud to serve on the panel this year, and let me tell you, there were some tough calls to be made.

Literature Translation Publication Cover

In concert with this announcement, the NEA has also released an anthology of original essays by award-winning translators and publishers, aptly entitled The Art of Empathy. These nineteen thoughtful essays consider the art of translation and its ability to help us understand other cultures and ways of thought. The book is available as a free pdf download.

In addition, on Saturday, August 30, 2014 from 10:55 a.m.–11:40 a.m. at the National Book Festival, the NEA-sponsored Poetry & Prose tent will feature a panel discussion on books in translation with author-translator Paul Auster and Natasha Wimmer (Roberto Bolaño’s translator). Moderated by Amy Stolls, the panel will discuss the art of translation and its role in the literary world. More information about the authors appearing at the Poetry & Prose tent can be found here.

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