2013 John Dryden Translation Prize

June 24th, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink


Hearty congratulations to my fellow winners for this year’s John Dryden Translation Prize!

  • First prize: Francis Jones, Ivan V Lalić (Serbo-Croat), Early Poems
  • Third prize: Adam Elgar, Alessandra Lavagnino (Italian): The Mother of the Prophet
  • Commendation: Angus Turvill, Hisashi Inoue (Japanese):  House up the River

I’m delighted to announce is the second time I’ve placed (with midcentury French fantastical fiction) in the yearly competition sponsored by the British Comparative Literature Association and the British Centre for Literary Translation. In 2010 I took first place with André Pieyre de Mandiargues’ “The Red Loaf,” since published in Words Without Borders, and this time I took second with Marcel Brion’s “La Capitana” (as yet unpublished).

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