where for the last month I have enjoyed a residency courtesy of the Villa Gillet and the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in NY. As part of my duties, I gave a translation workshop on Friday, May 31 to this year’s talented class of graduating students in NYU’s Master’s in French translation program, conceived of and run by Emmanuelle Ertel. It was part of the Villa’s annual festival, Les Assises Internationales du Roman.
I was housed in Les Subsistances. I blogged about it and the festival for French Culture, the website of the Cultural Services. My life here has been pleasantly low-key: rain or shine, I spend much of the day, nose to the grindstone, in the room I describe in that article. I often lunch out, instead of dinner–it’s cheaper, the set menus make for a pleasingly complete culinary experience. The walk to lunch and back breaks up the day, allowing me to see the various neighborhoods of Lyon. Perhaps more, someday, on various author visits.