Last year was, alas, a light one for reading, and got lighter as the year went along and involved multiple moves, the start of a grad program, juggled priorities. As usual, only whole books, not individual stories, are listed, and though I was better about listing graphic novels, many of them (as asterisked) were read for work. It’s a pretty random grab bag; here’s to 2012 being a better reading year, quantitatively.
Georges-Olivier Châteaureynaud, Mathieu Chain
Philip K. Dick, UBIK
Graham Joyce, The Silent Land
Jeff Abbott, Panic
Georges-Olivier Châteaureynaud, Résidence dernière
Margaret Atwood, The Blind Assassin
Serge Brussolo, Trajets et itineraires de l’oubli
Paul Willems, La cathédrale de brume
Jacques Gélat, Le traducteur
Nadine Monfils, Contes pour les petites filles perverses
Paul Willems, La vase de Delft
Patrick Besson, L’orgie échevelée
André-Marcel Adamek, Contes tirés du vin bleu
Kim Connell, ed. The Belgian School of the Bizarre
Steve Almond, My Life in Heavy Metal
Sylvain Jouty, Queen Kong
Serge Brussolo, 3, Place de Byzance
Serge Brussolo, Le syndrome du scaphandrier
Jean Ray, La Cité de l’indicible peur
André-Marcel Adamek, Le maître des jardins noirs
André-Marcel Adamek, Retour au village d’hiver
Christian Bobin, La dame blanche
Thomas Gunzig, Il y avait quelque chose dans le noir qu’on n’avait pas vu
André-Marcel Adamek, Oxygène
Hope Mirrlees, Lud-in-the-Mist
Thomas Gunzig, Take Five
Maurice Pons, Chto!
Maurice Carême, Médua
Tom Piazza, My Cold War
Francis Spufford, The Child That Books Built
Guillaume Bianco, Billy Brouillard: Le don de trouble vue*
Jean-Pierre Pécau & Igor Kordey, L’Histoire Sécrète 15-21*
Jean-Pierre Pécau & , Arcanes 1-5*
Matz & De Meyere, Cyclops 4*
Marjane Satrapi, Le Soupir*
Jennifer Egan, The Keep
Lev Grossman, The Magicians
Cory Doctorow, Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom
Maranzano & Ponzio, Genetiks 1*
Alex Alice, Siegfried 1*
Lev Grossman, The Magician King
Jonathan Carroll, Bones of the Moon
Ludovic Debeurme, Renée*
David B. & J.-P. Filiu, Les meilleurs ennemis*
Margaux Motin, J’aurais adoré être ethnologue*
Maurice Pons, Mademoiselle B.
Noël Devaulx, Frontières
Penelope Bagieu, Cadavre exquis
Dylan Horrocks, Hicksville
Kim Deitch, The Boulevard of Broken Dreams