A Record Month

January 31st, 2010 § 1 comment § permalink

for Châteaureynaud acceptances in upcoming print literary journals:

  • the short-short “Fable” in Sentence, a journal of prose poetry: “I remember the dawn of time: what a quagmire!”
  • “Unlivable” in California College of the Arts’ Eleven Eleven: “Accommodations obsess me. I have what you might call a housing neurosis.”
  • “The Pest” in Conjunctions 54: Shadow Selves: “I’d known him forever, but I never knew his name.”
  • “The Styx,” in The Harvard Review: “In hindsight, I should’ve suspected something. Strictly speaking, I didn’t feel sick, but still, those persistent dizzy spells should’ve clued me in.”

Yay January! Publication dates TBA.

For those interested in reading the author’s work currently available online, or ordering copies of journals past and future featuring his fiction, I have created a page centralizing information on him: click on Châteaureynaud Central, to the left.

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