Two new translation publications, enhanced by streaming audio. Listen up!
- At Liquid Imagination, Georges-Olivier Châteaureynaud’s “Paradiso,” a previously unpublished story from his 1976 collection La belle charbonnière [The Beautiful Coalwoman], from which several stories in A Life on Paper are drawn. Richly read by the erstwhile Bob Eccles. This ninth issue of Liquid Imagination continues the magazine’s tradition of featuring top notch science fiction, fantasy, and horror.
- Anomalous, the new initiative of translator-poetess Erica Mena, now in its second issue, features four short-shorts by Marcel Béalu. That’s one more than last summer in Joyland! Summer seems to bring the return of this secret master of French fabulism, though the pieces, in text with audio narrated by yours truly, aren’t up quite yet. Content for this second issue will be released on a rolling basis: every two weeks, a small batch of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, or translation, pairing complementary pieces. However, the issue is already available in its entirety, PDF and MP3 downloadable for free on the website. That is, they are staggering the content’s release–a great idea, given the 112 page magazine’s staggering content. Brandon Holmquest debuts the issue with his prose poem “Cielito Lindo†embedding the image of a maze. Editor Mena will also be teaching Châteaureynaud’s A Life on Paper in her Translation as Art class for the UMass Boston Summer Honors Program.
I leave you with this image of the late Marcel Béalu’s bookstore Le Pont Traversé in Paris, near the Jardin du Luxembourg, taken by Giorgio “sunsetwaves” Restelli:
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