Consider contributing to the Kickstarter campaign for May “Afghanistan” issue of Words without Borders!
Words without Borders, a 501(c)3 dedicated to the translation, publication, and promotion of literature in translation, would like to publish an issue of contemporary writing from Afghanistan in May 2011. This will be our first issue dedicated to Afghanistan, and we believe it issue will shed crucial light on the peoples and culture of Afghanistan.
Words without Borders will be commissioning translations from both the Pashto and Dari.
Currently we’ve secured commitments from two top Dari writers of the twenty-first century: Mohammad Hosain Mohammadi’s “Dasht-i Laili,” from the short-story collection Anjirha-ye Sorkh-e Mazar which was awarded the prestigious Golshiri prize for best short-story collection in 2004-5, as well as a story by Mohammad Asif Soltanzadah.
We’ve also secured Pashto writer Sher Zaman Taizi’s “PaTay.”
WWB is offering “shot glasses, tote bags, and anthologies at the different pledge levels.” Also consider becoming a Facebook fan of the writing and publishing site StyleMatters. If they get 1,000 fans they’ll going to donate $500 to Words without Borders via Kickstarter.
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