Were the detailed instructions

September 15th, 2010 § 1 comment

on the paper towel dispenser in the first floor men’s room at the Ministère de la Communauté Française, replete with arrows for pull direction in the sequential illustrations and suggested usage lengths (± 32 cm), really necessary, or just another example of the Belgian humor that had papered the cafeteria walls with an anti-profanity campaign that, of course, seemed instead like a giant injunction to swear (Tu me fais ch… aud au coeur, Mer… ci de votre comprehension)? Hard to say, but then again, when I went back that afternoon, the paper towel dispenser was broken.

§ One Response to Were the detailed instructions

  • Megan K. says:

    Which makes me imagine that someone got so fed up with the instructions and, no doubt, featureless illustrations that they beat the paper towel dispenser to death with their damp hands.

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