Interfictions 2 Updates

November 9th, 2009 § 0 comments

Thanks to Jeff VanderMeer, Amazon has listed Interfictions 2 among the Top 10 Books of Science Fiction & Fantasy for 2009. (Insert Kermit arm-waving) More details at the IAF site and blog.

LiveJournal user rymenhild attended the Interfictions 2 Borderlands reading in San Francisco last Tuesday, where she heard editor Delia Sherman read from “L’Île Close,” and sent Ellen Kushner this message she kindly passed on to author Lionel Davoust and me: “Hello. This is… the medievalist who came to the Borderlands reading…. I read the rest of ‘L’Ile Close’ on the way home that night—a metatextual post-Sartre Arthurian story! It read as if it were written for me personally!—and totally humiliated myself by cackling all over the subway when I got up to the point where the Grail was singing Monty Python.”

Interfictions 2 Auction Opened November 1st

In honor of Interfictions 2, a wide array of artists — dollmakers, painters, jewelry-crafters, knitters, and more — were invited to create pieces inspired by the stories in the first and second Interfictions anthologies. Through the alchemy of word and imagination and raw materials they have created over 30 stunning pieces, ranging from an evocatively alien sculpture by Jane Washburn (inspired by Theodora Goss’ “Child-Empress of Mars”), an eloquent necklace by SToNZ (inspired by “Valentines” by Shira Lipkin), complex and exquisite handmade art books from Wendy Ellertson and Erzebet Yellowboy (of Papaveria Press), a hat that can be both worn and read from Kate Schaefer, and many other intriguing pieces that are themselves works of interstitial art: illustration and handcraft, fine art and utilitarian . . . all and none of the above.

The online Interfictions Auction began November 1st and will run through early December. All of these pieces make excellent holiday gifts. Opening bids will range from $10-$50, though of course the value of many is much higher. All proceeds go toward supporting the Interstitial Arts Foundation and its projects.

To learn more about the auction and see previews of the available art, please visit


Thanks to IAF Board Member Geoffrey Long, there is a beautiful new webpage full of interesting things, including:

  • The IAF Annex, an online museum of interstitial works. Currently, we’re featuring eight wildly interstitial companion stories to the forthcoming anthology, Interfictions 2.
  • Recommendations In this section, members of the IAF share some of their favorite examples of interstitial work. We’ve also included write-ups of several interstitial courses from academia and compiled a list of interstitial sites and organizations.
  • Essays What does it mean to be an interstitial artist? In this collection of essays, an array of imaginative artists and writers from Holly Black to Charles Vess share what interstitiality means to them.


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