Ledig House Reading, 11/1, KGB Bar

October 31st, 2009 § 0 comments

Full-on World Fantasy Con madness this weekend! Meanwhile, back at the Batcave… go support Ledig House!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Time: 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Location: KGB Bar 85 East 4th Street NYC

Ledig House residents will be reading brief excerpts from their work. Participants include: Martin Kimani (Kenya), Rien Kuntari (Indonesia), Keshni Kashyap (US), Linda Gaboriau (Canada), Tom Dryer (South Africa), Cailtin Doyle (US), Pravda Miteva (Bulgaria), Kaijamari Sivill (Finland), Kathrin Aehnlich (Germany), and Henning Kober (Germany). Also, special guest alumnus Mohan Sikka!

Come one come all. Exciting new literature from all corners of the world. Reading will last about an hour.

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