Friday Round-Up

July 10th, 2009 § 1 comment

A few new links to announce:

  • My close friend H.V. Chao has his first-ever published story, “The Interview,” up at Diet Soap, Douglas Lain’s speculative situationist zine. Not only is Portland-based Lain himself a formidable fiction writer, but he also finds the time to run a fantastic mind-bending podcast, whose signature theme is a banjo version of The Internationale.
  • My friend M@ alerted me to Heather McDougal at Cabinet of Wonders raving, with pictures, about Joann Sfar—specifically, series I was involved in translating: Sardine and Little Vampire. Nice words and nifty pictures.
  • Two new pieces up in July’s Words Without Borders: an excerpt from Jochen Gerner’s tongue-in-cheek comics essay Contre la B.D. and Carles Torner’s essay on Claude Lanzmann’s Shoah.

§ One Response to Friday Round-Up

  • mpiskun says:

    sweet….I let Jeff know so maybe he’ll pimp it. What’s been up? Drop me a line.

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