Apparently I’m to be giving a mini-reading at this Wednesday event, from “Ecorcheville,” Chateaureynaud’s print premiere from last spring:
Epiphany is proud to announce the release of its Winter/Spring ’09 issue, Naked Psyches. Contributors to this eclectic issue explore experiences ranging from the rapture of Dionysus (George Franklin, “Talking Headâ€) to the ragged dissociations of a girl addicted to crank (Keith Hendershot, “I Heart You Past Augustâ€), along the way touching on the underground blues scene in New York (Susan Ruel, “Medium Shuffle Blues in Eâ€), the snobberies of official Washington (Sallie Bingham, “The Monkey’s Uncleâ€), and the vicissitudes of growing up with a famous literary father (Kaylie Jones, “City of Lightsâ€). The issue also features a verse playlet by Hairspray author Mark O’Donnell (“The Goblins Plot to Murder Godâ€), nine brilliant lyric poems by Martin Edmunds, and much more. If there is a common thread running through the issue, it is the authors’ faithful tracing of the fault lines of inner reality, wherever they may lead. If you aren’t already a subscriber, visit our website,, to become one today! Also, Epiphany will be celebrating the release of Naked Psyches with a reading and launch party on March 25th from 6-8 at the Bowery Poetry Club, 308 Bowery, N.Y.C. (Admission: $5, Admission + Naked Psyches: $10, Admission + one-year subscription: $15.) Thank you for your support of Epiphany!
aww, i miss the bpc. have a wonderful time!
Thanks, reading went well! Festive, enthusiastic crowd. Highlights included but were by no means limited to a verse soliloquy from a dying log (we who are about to burn salute), James Jones’ daughter dishing memoir, and the co-playwright of Hairspray being generally witty.