Reading at Bowery Poetry Club, Wed. 3/25/09

March 23rd, 2009 § 2 comments

Apparently I’m to be giving a mini-reading at this Wednesday event, from “Ecorcheville,” Chateaureynaud’s print premiere from last spring:

Epiphany is proud to announce the release of its Winter/Spring ’09 issue, Naked Psyches. Contributors to this eclectic issue explore experiences ranging from the rapture of Dionysus (George Franklin, “Talking Head”) to the ragged dissociations of a girl addicted to crank (Keith Hendershot, “I Heart You Past August”), along the way touching on the underground blues scene in New York (Susan Ruel, “Medium Shuffle Blues in E”), the snobberies of official Washington (Sallie Bingham, “The Monkey’s Uncle”), and the vicissitudes of growing up with a famous literary father (Kaylie Jones, “City of Lights”). The issue also features a verse playlet by Hairspray author Mark O’Donnell (“The Goblins Plot to Murder God”), nine brilliant lyric poems by Martin Edmunds, and much more. If there is a common thread running through the issue, it is the authors’ faithful tracing of the fault lines of inner reality, wherever they may lead. If you aren’t already a subscriber, visit our website,, to become one today! Also, Epiphany will be celebrating the release of Naked Psyches with a reading and launch party on March 25th from 6-8 at the Bowery Poetry Club, 308 Bowery, N.Y.C. (Admission: $5, Admission + Naked Psyches: $10, Admission + one-year subscription: $15.) Thank you for your support of Epiphany!

§ 2 Responses to Reading at Bowery Poetry Club, Wed. 3/25/09"

  • anna says:

    aww, i miss the bpc. have a wonderful time!

  • Thanks, reading went well! Festive, enthusiastic crowd. Highlights included but were by no means limited to a verse soliloquy from a dying log (we who are about to burn salute), James Jones’ daughter dishing memoir, and the co-playwright of Hairspray being generally witty.

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