OUT NOW: Vigilantes Vol. 1, The Sign

August 10th, 2016 § 0 comments

Vigilantes 1

Stephen King meets superheroes in this heartfelt French tribute to such Americana as small towns, summer camp, kid friendship, and lasting loyalties. A ragtag group of pals reunites in middle age to save the world from a former child molester now turned political power broker. Vigilantes is written by Jean-Charles Gaudin, with art by Riccardo Crosa. The first volume, The Sign, is now available as a digital exclusive from Soleil at Comixology.

Present-day America. When William Peter Stahl, a famous politician, announces his aim to participate in the presidential race, four childhood friends recall their promise… . For these four know this man… They are the only ones who know the horrors that he committed more than thirty years ago.

Getting in touch with each other, they plan to go back to where it all started, and stop this man who is the embodiment of evil… They have to revive their old secret superhero group – The Vigilantes!

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