Eurocomics Podcast: October Edition

October 16th, 2016 § 0 comments


I’ve yet to do a proper introduction (for shame!), but this is the fourth month I’ve been co-hosting a podcast on comics in translation from Europe (and elsewhere: to wit, Latin America) with the estimable Dr. Professor Derek Royal of The Comics Alternative. In October’s episode, we cover two graphic novels by the writer Fabien Nury, whose four-part historical adventure Of Blood and Gold from Glénat I translated last year (available on Amazon and iTunes).


The first I Am Legion, is a collaboration with star artist John Cassaday, well-known to American readers for his work on Planetary, Star Wars, and Joss Whedon’s X-Men run. A WWII alternate history involving vampires, it reminds me in its historical specificity of the work of Tim Powers. Published by Humanoids in France and the U.S., it’s widely available, including at a 30% off from our kind podcast sponsor Discount Comic Book Service.

The other, a personal favorite from the past few years, features art by the awesome Brüno, with his uniquely chunky and expressive style. A contemporary noir called Tyler Cross, it’s kind of like if Hammett’s Continental Op went to Jim Thompson’s West Texas. One of my favorite scenes is a few pages of narration during a prison break from the POV of a caged rattlesnake, with the violent action is reflected in its eye. It sounds over the top, but it works. First serialized in B&W in the digital comics revue Professeur Cyclope, Book 1: Black Rock went on to launch a series of which Book 2, Angola, is out now. Brüno’s art definitely deserves more American exposure. The official colorized version is widely available, digital only, on iBooks, Amazon, Kobo, Google Play, and Comixology, where both volumes are a steal at under a dollar.


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