New in Blog and Sidebar

October 18th, 2016 § 0 comments


In the sidebar, I’ve updated the Forthcoming projects page to reflect titles for 2017 and beyond. 2016 saw the release of three books of prose fiction: in January, Melville House released Serge Brussolo’s dreamlike science fiction noir The Deep Sea Diver’s Syndrome, in July, Wakefield Press published Belgian fabulist Paul Willems’ somber and wistful story collection The Cathedral of Mist, and in September, Dalkey Archive came out with Jean-Philippe Toussaint’s novel Naked, the last of his “Marie” tetralogy.

Plus, there were countless comics coming and going every month, digital and print, which I’ll be better about keeping up with and blogging about here. In order to do so, I’m starting a series called Comics Monday. First thing every Monday, I’ll post about a graphic novel I’ve translated, starting with ones from within the last year; I’ve quite a backlog. What better way to kick off the week than with news of good comics?

I’ve also added a new page dedicated to the monthly Eurocomics podcast I now co-host with Dr. Professor Derek Royal at The Comics Alternative. I will post links and cover thumbnails for all our monthly podcast reviews of comics old and new, starting with July 2016’s inaugural episode.

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