Bits and Pieces

March 13th, 2014 § 0 comments


  • At Necessary Fiction, in their Translation Notes series, a piece I wrote tracing the many challenges posed by a single very short story from Jean Ferry’s The Conductor and Other Tales, on his hero Raymond Roussel’s ascension to heaven (see above).
  • At Comic Book Resources, in an article by T.J. Dietsch, a recent interview I translated with Hub, on the occasion of his comic Okko: The Cycle of Fire being released in the U.S. by Archaia.
  • A translation for The New York Times from January: former Le Monde correspondent Sylvain Cypel’s thoughts on comedian Dieudonné and the larger spectre of European racism in “Deciphering the Quenelle.”
  • Josh Coblentz reviews Jean Ferry’s The Conductor and Other Tales for HTML Giant:

[T]he ultimate sensation one gets after reading this work, Ferry’s only collection of fiction, is that he’s not so easily lumped in with the surrealist or pataphysic movements that attempted to swallow him into their pigeonholes. Instead, as translator Edward Gauvin states in his introduction, “Ferry is the exception to every movement he’s been in,” a claim that ironically puts him further in line with the ideals of pataphysics …

This small yet potent collection has too much to discuss in one brief review… For fans of quirky, bleak, and short French fiction from the post-surrealist era, this book is a new must have.

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