Why Words Without Borders Is Still The Best of Its Kind

February 22nd, 2014 § 0 comments


This post is unpremeditated. Had I planned it, I’d probably have been able to supply better reasons, or more thoroughgoing argumentation, or even anticipate objections to my reasons, and shut those down.

I was going to post about my latest blog piece there, “Tintin in the Land of Foreign Affairs,” about the experience of working on Weapons of Mass Diplomacy by Abel Lanzac and Christophe Blain, a graphic novel forthcoming from UK indie stalwart SelfMadeHero this May. But instead, I found myself feeling very grateful for my long, fruitful working relationship with Words Without Borders, and listing my purely personal, sometimes honorable, occasionally venal reasons for loving it.


It was the first.

It is truly global in scope.

It does comics every year.

It does an LGBT issue every year.

It sees to the permissions process for translators.

It pays for those rights.

It pays translators.

Just sayin’, is all.

13 years of bringing you world literature, going on 14! Consider giving today.

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