At the Portuguese Artists Colony: Victimless

January 21st, 2014 § 0 comments

My wife writer Nicole M. Taylor and I were guests of the Portuguese Artists Colony on Sunday, January 5, at San Francisco’s Make-Out Room, part of an event called Victimless.

Nicole was there because in November, she won their Live Writing competition, which works like this: Attendees vote on a prompt as they enter the show, and four writers write on the winning topic while the audience watches them sweat, swear, and get inspired. Each writer will read what he/she wrote, and the audience votes on which piece they’d like to see developed into a finished story/poem/rant to be read at the next performance.

I was there because I was one of this time’s Live Writers, along with Carolyn Cooke, Ira Marlowe, and Lori Savageau, who won. I didn’t do the household proud like Nicole, but I did get to listen to folky musical duo Girl Named T warble while I sweated, swore, and got somewhat inspired onstage.

Other readers that evening included Tom Barbash, Maisha Z. Johnson, and founder Caitlin Myer, who called on surprise guests to help her in a polyphonically staged reading of Ted Bundy in prison.

The Make-Out Room’s disco ball presided over all, almost undersea amidst the kelp forests of tinsel and silver ribbon. It was a festive and convivial occasion.

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