The American Literary Translators Association, which I joined this summer, a whole year after first being urged to do so by the wise and lovely Susan Harris, has seen fit to bestow on me a Travel Fellowship for its 30th anniversary conference this November in Dallas. I’ll even be giving a short reading. I’m stoked!! To say the very least.
The award was for a fantasy story, “Delaunay the Brokerâ€â€”let’s say, a fabulist tale; that is, a literary story with fantastic elements—by an author I very much like. Georges-Olivier Châteaureynaud, whose novel La Faculté des Songes tied for the ‘82 Renaudot (it sounds so much more like a wine that way), is a French fabulist with a thirty year career and more than ninety stories behind him. It’s not the ink, it’s the miles. Fabulism I defend with pen and shield from the, er, dragons of realism. So far, thanks to kind editors, I’ve managed to smuggle just two of his stories into cyberprint stateside—the other at AGNI Online—but I’ve been trying to find a publisher interested in introducing his work to Americans via a reader uniting in a single anthology the strongest stories from his many collections. Takers?
Literary Translators of America, see you in November! YAAAAY! [Exit, waving arms and orange yarn hair wildly, like Scooter]
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