- Exquisite Belgian fabulist Paul Willems, whom I’ve published in Subtropics and Tin House, is online in the latest issue of Scheherezade’s Bequest (#15) with the elegant and fairly traditional fairy tale, “The Colors of the Worldâ€. The story was first collected in The Delft Vase (Le Cri, 2004).
- Pseudopod has Pete Milan delectably reading Belgian horrormeister Thomas Owen’s “The Women Who Watch,†first published last April in the inaugural issue of The Dr. T.J. Eckleburg Review. Like it? Join the discussion in the forums!
- Big Pulp’s Summer 2012 issue features a blackly hilarious piece by contemporary Belgian chronicler Thomas Gunzig.  The unclassifiable, irrepressible Gunzig took Belgium’s top literary prize, the Prix Rossel, for his 2001 novel Mort d’un parfait bilingue; his most recent novel is the slasher homage and parody 10,000 Liters of Pure Horror (Diable Vauvert, 2007). The son of a noted cosmologist, he is known for his dark humor, absurdism, and the time he challenged editor Luc Pire, a Tae Kwon Do red belt, to a duel at the Brussels Book Fair over the rights to one of his own story collections. He won.
- And finally, in April I helped the New York Times cover the runup to the French elections with “Voting for Yesterday in France.â€
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June 19th, 2012 § 0 comments
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