Olivier Guez in The New York Times

May 5th, 2017 § 0 comments § permalink

Olivier Guez’s latest op-ed, in The New York Times, on the upcoming French elections: “At Stake in France’s Election: What It Means to Be French”. An excerpt:

What Europe’s heads of state have not done, and simply must begin to do, is prepare their citizens for the one great requirement for progress toward more unity — an enormous leap of faith and optimism, even while in the grip of fear. Instead, they betray their peoples’ fondest dreams by pecking at one another. And even my generation, who were 15 to 20 years old when the Berlin Wall fell, fails to stand up to them and demand that they save the dream we were promised — a Europe finally at permanent peace and working in unison after all the divisions and horrors of the 20th century.

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