Paul Willems at Speculative Fiction in Translation

February 6th, 2017 § 0 comments § permalink


At her site Speculative Fiction in Translation, which with masterful comprehensiveness and unflagging enthusiasm charts and encourages all speculative fiction translated into English, Rachel Cordasco has a few kind words for Paul Willems’ The Cathedral of Mist:

In this collection of surreal, exquisitely-composed and expertly-translated stories, Belgian fantasist Paul Willems (1912-1997) offers us a multitude of dreamscapes both as delicate as gossamer and tangible as a mountain. Cathedrals made of mist, palaces of emptiness, dreams that melt into reality: you’ll find all of these within the six stories included in the slim volume (two essays about reading and writing are included at the end). Form and content work in harmony in a way that I’ve rarely encountered…

Thank you!

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