As part of the Curated Readings series at the 39th annual American Literary Translators Association (ALTA) conference, Friday at 2pm in Junior Ballroom 3 I’ll be previewing a chapter from Charif Majdalani’s novel Moving the Palace, forthcoming in my translation next April from New Vessel Press. Thanks much to my publishers Ross Ufberg and Michael Wise for arranging this reading and deciding I was the right translator for the book in the first place!
In the course of the novel, a Lebanese professor’s fictionalization of his grandfather’s WWI escapades, the titular dwelling is teamstered piecemeal camelback through Northern Africa and a war-torn Middle East. Originally titled Caravansérail, the novel, the second of a family-history based trilogy published by Éditions du Seuil, won the 2008 Francois-Mauriac Prize from the Académie Francaise as well as the Prix Tropiques.
Coincidentally, I’ll soon be enjoying a residency in the Parc National des Landes at the former summer home of Nobel prizewinner Francois Mauriac’s family, thanks to ECLA Aquitaine.