I’ll Be Reading Next Tuesday

February 15th, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink

February 18th, 2014, at La Movida Wine Bar & Community Kitchen (3066 24th Street, San Francisco, California 94110) in James Warner’s InsideStorytime Event, 7-9 pm.
The theme is “Innards.” I can’t believe Mr. Warner took me seriously when I suggested that.
The event will feature wrecker of ten million galaxies Tim Pratt (Antiquities and Tangibles and Other Stories), Chechen hand Anthony Marra (A Constellation of Vital Phenomena), ex-model memoirist Meghan Ward (Runway), and Marin chronicler Susanna Solomon (Point Reyes Sheriff’s Notes). MCd by emissary from another dimension James Warner (All Her Father’s Guns).
Check it out!

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