Game for Swallows on Year’s Best List

January 2nd, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

At Comic Book Resources, Zeina Abirached’s A Game for Swallows finds a comfy home at #44 on the year’s best list, just behind Ed Piskor’s Wizzywig, a book I much enjoyed from Top Shelf, and a compilation from the Rucka run on The Punisher & Punisher War Zone. I wish there were some pithy and thematically appropriate conclusion to be drawn from this, but meanwhile… thanks to Alex Dueben for saying

“Abirached tells the story of the Lebanese Civil War from the perspective of a child, telling the story of a single apartment building in a single night. Visually dynamic, with more tension than most thrillers, it is a powerful tale about events that resonate to this day.”

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