Back after a long hiatus with good tidings for Anglophone fans of French fabulist Georges-Olivier Châteaureynaud:
1) G.-O.’s story “Icarus Saved from the Skies,†first published in the July-August 2009 issue of F&SF, was selected by editors David Hartwell and Kathryn Cramer for inclusion in their Year’s Best Fantasy 10 forthcoming from Tor. It is included in the Small Beer collection A Life on Paper.
2) G.-O.’s story “Final Residence†appears in the latest, Summer 2012 issue (#14) of Subtropics, the University of Florida’s literary revue, helmed by the amazing David Leavitt. This is the longest G.-O. story I’ve translated to date, and one of his most recent to appear, anchoring a 2011 chapbook that it lent its title to, Dernière residence (Christine Bini’s insightful review here in French). Each story in this triptych examines that cultural phenomenon, the writing residency, through G.-O.’s usual skewed and haunting lens, featuring sphinxes, creatures that come out of a mirror, and perhaps scariest of all, ruminations on posterity…
3) The esteemed jury of Dale Knickerbocker (Chair); Kari Maund, Abhijit Gupta, Hiroko Chiba, Stefan Ekman, Ekaterina Sedia, Felice Beneduce, and Irma Hirsjärvi have seen fit to shortlist my translation of G.-O.’s story “Paradiso†in the short form category of this year’s Science Fiction and Fantasy Translation Awards. The 1974 story (composed in Capri and Paris), from 1976 collection The Beautiful Coalwoman, is not available in the Small Beer collection A Life on Paper, but can be read online at Liquid Imagination, where the translation first appeared last summer.
The SFFT Awards, that estimable endeavor we all hope will become a venerable institution, is at the forefront of an Anglophone attempt to truly globalize speculative fiction. Further evidence of this trend? Look no farther than the panel moderated at this year’s Wiscon by YA writer and Clarion grad Emily Jiang:
Reading, Viewing, and Critiquing Science Fiction
2011 saw the first ever Science Fiction and Fantasy Translation Awards. Let’s discuss the winners, the state of F&SF translation (who gets translated? into and from which languages? how interested are publishers? does anybody actually get paid for translating this stuff?), and efforts to encourage a world consciousness in the SF community (like the VanderMeers’ Weird Fiction Review). We’ll also cover where readers can go to discover F&SF in translation.
Let us hope readers’ curiosity and enthusiasm turns internationalism into a groundswell.