Monday Roundup

November 8th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

  • Jeffrey Ford posted a very nice entry about me at The Writing Room, the LiveJournal of Brookdale College Creative Writing. Jeff was a terrific fiction guru of mine; when I lived in Newark, I trekked down to Brookdale on the train once a week for his evening fiction class.
  • My translation of Noël Devaulx’s story “The Sacrifice of Images” is up at the Joyland Consulate. This is the first fiction in English from a major 20th century French fabulist, a perfect example of the “parables without keys” that editor and critic Jean Paulhan once admiringly claimed Devaulx wrote. I find allusions to the French and Cultural Revolutions… and you?
  • H.V. Chao’s twitterfic from October 8th at Nanoism (exactly one month ago) was reposted the next day at Fiction Daily. Thanks, editor David Backer!

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