This Week: Guest Blogging

June 28th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

This week–well, Monday, Wednesday, Friday–I’ll be guest blogging about A Life on Paper, Georges-Olivier Châteaureynaud, and translation at The Well-Read Donkey, one of three blogs from Kepler’s Books, fine independent purveyor of quality literature in Menlo Park, CA. The blog is run by the lovely Aggie Zivaljevic, who coordinates Kepler’s Writing Group. Its mission:

to connect Kepler’s Writing Group with other writers, readers, published authors and independent booksellers. Send us your book recommendations, tell us where is your favorite place to read, post the photo of your book shelf or your favorite book with dog-eared pages and post-it notes, tell us your favorite book to give this year, share your thoughts on writing craft, etc.

Where am I?

You are currently viewing the archives for Monday, June 28th, 2010 at EDWARD GAUVIN.