Sic transit

October 3rd, 2009 § 2 comments § permalink

The Spotty Dog

The Spotty Dog

Bud Parr at Words Without Borders features a photo from the 9/18 reading in a recent blog post. More photos from the event pictured above can be found here.

Agur’s story, in WWB’s September issue, contains this memorable image:

“But the marvel of it strikes me: the cemetery is like a phone book engraved on pages of marble. Except that here, instead of being alphabetized, the names are arranged according to some hidden logic of fate, and the numbers represent years of birth and death. Only one rule is followed: a man always lies beside a man, and a woman beside a woman. So that no shame should ensue, God forbid, on the day the dead are resurrected.” » Read the rest of this entry «

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