OUT NOW: Arthus Trivium Vol. 3, The Young Captive

December 15th, 2017 § 0 comments § permalink

Arthus 3

The mystery deepens with a visit to Fairyland through the portal of a magical painting in this latest volume of Raule’s Renaissance-meets-X-Files series with art by Juan Luis Landa. Three agents trained by renowned sage and scholar Nostradamus travel the land, exposing hoaxes and solving occult crimes.

When Nostradamus entrusts his disciple Arthus with training his son Cesar, he believes their mission a simple one: investigate a village where a rain of blood has been reported. But upon reaching Cucuron to find all the menfolk missing, Arthus realizes the adventure is more than he bargained for. Meanwhile, in Paris searching for a young girl who’s disappeared, Angulus and Angelica come upon a mysterious canvas in the workshop of a famous painter that seems to lead Angelica to another world. The stakes rise for all three disciples as they find themselves separated, each facing their own perils.

The Young Captive continues this ongoing series, now available as a digital exclusive from EuropeComics on a number of platforms (Izneo, Kindle, Kobo, Google Play, and Comixology).

Jean Ferry in Sentence 10

January 29th, 2014 § 0 comments § permalink


Sentence, a little journal that could, has come back from the dead for a final hurrah. Reports of its demise have been somewhat, if not greatly, exaggerated. It did indeed go out of business, but now it’s back for one last stand, one more swing at the bleachers, a blaze of glory, an exhibition match… a tenth and final issue, before it takes a bow and it’s curtains forever! Don’t miss it! The final issue of the only journal dedicated to the prose poem, it features work by Jean Ferry as well as the estimable, peerless poet and editor G.C. Waldrep. Pick it up!

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